İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi


    Department of Mechanical Engineering

    Course Structure Diagram with Credits

    To see the course details (such as objectives, learning outcomes, content, assessment and ECTS workload), click the relevant Course Code given in the table below.

    1. Year Fall Semester
    Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
    ENG 101 Academic Skills in English I 2 2 3 3
    FENG 101 Fundamentals of Engineering Culture 2 0 2 4
    IUE 100 Orientation and Career Planning 1 0 1 2
    MATH 153 Calculus I 2 2 3 6
    PHYS 100 General Physics I 2 2 3 6
    SE 113 Introduction to Programming 2 2 3 6
    SFL 1013 Second Foreign Languages I 2 2 3 3
    Total : 30
    1. Year Spring Semester
    Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
    CHEM 100 General Chemistry 2 2 3 6
    ENG 102 Academic Skills in English II 2 2 3 4
    FENG 102 Introduction to Engineering 2 0 2 4
    MATH 154 On kosul Calculus II 2 2 3 6
    PHYS 102 General Physics II 2 2 3 6
    SFL 1024 Second Foreign Languages II 2 2 3 4
    Total : 30
    2. Year Fall Semester
    Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
    MATH 250 On kosul Linear Algebra for Engineers 3 0 3 6
    ME 201 Engineering Thermodynamics 4 0 4 5
    ME 203 Engineering Drawing 1 4 3 5
    ME 211 Statics for Engineers 3 0 3 5
    POOL 006 GEC- Social Awareness and Ethics 3 0 3 5
    SFL 201 Second Foreign Languages III 2 2 3 4
    Total : 30
    2. Year Spring Semester
    Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
    MATH 207 On kosul Introduction to Differential Equations I 2 2 3 5
    ME 202 Materials Science 2 2 3 5
    ME 204 Manufacturing Technologies 2 2 3 6
    ME 206 On kosul Dynamics 3 0 3 5
    ME 208 On kosul Mechanics of Materials 2 2 3 5
    SFL 202 Second Foreign Languages IV 2 2 3 4
    Total : 30
    3. Year Fall Semester
    Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
    FENG 345 On kosul Numerical Methods for Engineers I 2 2 3 7
    MATH 236 On kosul Engineering Statistics 3 0 3 6
    ME 305 Fluid Mechanics 2 2 3 5
    ME 307 On kosul Machine Elements I 2 2 3 6
    ME 309 On kosul Control Systems Theory 2 2 3 6
    MEST 300 Engineering Summer Training I (4 weeks) 0 0 0 0
    Total : 30
    3. Year Spring Semester
    Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
    ENG 210 Technical English for Engineers 3 0 3 4
    FENG 346 On kosul Numerical Methods for Engineers II 3 0 3 6
    ME 304 On kosul Heat Transfer 2 2 3 5
    ME 308 On kosul Machine Elements II 2 2 3 6
    ME 314 On kosul Dynamics of Machinery 2 2 3 5
    POOL 006 GEC- Social Awareness and Ethics 3 0 3 5
    Total : 31
    4. Year Fall Semester
    Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
    ELEC 001 Elective Course I 2 2 3 5
    FENG 497 On kosul Multidisciplinary Engineering Projects 2 2 3 6
    ME 403 On kosul Mechanical Engineering Design 2 2 3 5
    MEST 400 Engineering Summer Training II (4 weeks) 0 0 0 5
    POOL 003 GEC-Social Sciences A: Economics 3 0 3 5
    TURK 100 Turkish 4 0 4 4
    Total : 30
    4. Year Spring Semester
    Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
    ELEC 002 Elective Course II 2 2 3 5
    ELEC 003 Elective Course III 2 2 3 5
    ELEC 004 Elective Course IV 3 0 3 5
    ELEC 005 Elective Course V 3 0 3 5
    FENG 498 On kosul Engineering Capstone 0 6 3 6
    HIST 100 Principles of Atatürk and History of Revolution 4 0 4 4
    Total : 30
    Elective Courses
    Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
    AE 301 Aerodynamics 2 2 3 5
    AE 304 On kosul Flight Mechanics 3 0 3 5
    AE 405 On kosul Aircraft Design 3 0 3 6
    AE 414 Spacecraft Design 3 0 3 6
    AE 416 On kosul Unmanned Aerial Vehicle 3 0 3 6
    AE 419 Introduction to CFD 3 0 3 5
    AE 421 Wind Energy Engineering 3 0 3 5
    CE 221 On kosul Data Structures and Algorithms I 3 2 4 7
    CE 223 Database Systems 3 2 4 7
    CE 323 On kosul Operating System Concepts 3 2 4 7
    MCE 303 Sensors and Actuators 2 2 3 5
    MCE 403 Intro. to Microelectromechanical Systems 3 0 3 5
    MCE 411 On kosul Introduction to Robotics 3 2 4 6
    MCE 412 On kosul Autonomous Robotics 2 2 3 6
    MCE 420 Automation and Industry 4.0 2 2 3 6
    ME 311 Cost Analysis and Engineering Management 3 0 3 4
    ME 313 Measurement Systems 2 2 3 5
    ME 320 On kosul Manufacturing Automation 3 1 3 5
    ME 360 On kosul Advanced Materials Science 2 2 3 5
    ME 400 Packaging Materials 2 2 3 5
    ME 402 Modelling, Analysis and Control of Dynamic Systems 2 2 3 5
    ME 410 On kosul Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing 3 1 3 5
    ME 415 Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering 2 2 3 5
    ME 420 On kosul Numerically Controlled Machine Tools 3 1 3 5
    ME 422 On kosul Manufacturing Engineering 3 0 3 5
    ME 423 On kosul Finite Element Method 2 2 3 6
    ME 424 Introduction to Computational Fluid Mechanics 2 2 3 5
    ME 425 On kosul Mechanical Vibrations 2 2 3 6
    ME 426 Vehicle Aerodynamics 3 0 3 5
    ME 427 Hydraulic and Pneumatic Circuits 2 2 3 5
    ME 430 Automation of Design and Manufacturing 2 2 3 5
    ME 431 On kosul Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer 2 2 3 5
    ME 432 On kosul Energy Generation Technologies 3 0 3 5
    ME 433 Principles and Applications of HVAC Systems 3 0 3 5
    ME 440 Biomaterials 2 2 3 5
    ME 441 On kosul Introduction to Transport Phenomena in Porous Media 2 2 3 5
    ME 450 Composite Materials 2 2 3 5
    ME 460 On kosul Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology 2 2 3 5
    ME 463 Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics 2 2 3 5
    ME 470 2D Materials 2 2 3 5
    ME 480 Materials Characterization 2 2 3 5
    ME 490 Inorganic Materials 2 2 3 5
    Additional Notes

    In order to graduate, at least 240 ECTS credit courses must be succesfully completed.

    Total IUE Credit: 142
    Total ECTS Credit :240

    In order to graduate, ME students must successfully complete at least 5 technical elective courses. These courses should be taken from technical elective courses pool.

    In order to graduate, ME students must succesfully complete at least 3 GEEC (General Education) elective courses. These courses should be taken as follows:
           - 2 courses from "Social Awareness and Ethics" pool
           - 1 course from "Social Sciences A: Economics" pool

    When choosing elective courses as Technical, Free or GEEC, make sure that the course you choose is not the same, similar or less comprehensive in content with any course you have already taken or have not taken but is a compulsory course in your curriculum. In this case, the courses taken will not be considered as elective, free, technical or GEEC electives and will not fulfill any qualifications in the curriculum. Do not select courses in that case. For example, a student who takes MATH153 or has MATH153 in his curriculum cannot take MATH101 from the Mathematics department and cannot count as an elective even if he/she has taken it.

    If you need support for these courses due to your disability, please refer to Disability Support Unit. Contact; engelsiz@ieu.edu.tr




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